Well, Jeremy has a new employer and is happy and actually going in to work! woohoo!
There's even a guy that lives close-by to us that Jeremy can carpool with! That same guy gave Jeremy the truck pictured below (as well as those nice wheels and rims in the bed)! Its not in running condition; guy says it needs an engine... but, hey, that's fine! Jeremy can handle that! And now, we'll have a truck! Its a 4 cyl which is great for Jeremy's work commute. And now we won't have to ask others to haul stuff for us! yay! Its also a stick shift. Has small seats in the back which work just fine for the kids... will fit carseats.
The guy was gonna give it to another co-worker but he didn't like him very much and decided to give it to Jeremy instead :)

And here's the white kitty I'm going to keep from Momma Cat's 3rd litter of kits (still have Tiger from her first - the others were given away and her 2nd batch disappeared). Isn't he so pretty? His eyes are such a beautiful shade of blue... I didn't capture that in this photo though :(
Anyways, he has 3 brothers (another white one but with stripes on his legs), and one sister (who is soooo super soft and sweet). I know we have one already given away (Brandy) and maybe one of our neighbors will take another one since her daughter, McKenzie wants one.
Our washing machine went out at the end of last week (mine from my marriage to John; so, its about 10 yrs old). Today, Jeremy's mom picked me and the kids (except for Calista since she's in school) up to go buy a used one in Lafayette. So, now we have a 'new' one :D Its nice :) Its a Whirlpool, super capacity, large tub (the lady that owns it says she has one just like and it can easily handle washing comforters), and 7 cycles and 2 speeds. :D She gives a 30 day warranty. Paid $150 for it. She said if the motor does go out in 45 days, she'll just give us another machine... but, she said it shouldn't. I'm happy :) I'm happy that Jeremy made enough last week to pay the rent, pay a few bills, buy some clothes from an outlet mall, pay for a 'new' washing machine, and buy some groceries... all with some money still left over until Friday(next payday)! Amazing what happens when he actually goes to work, huh? :) lol
Ursula wanted to spend the day with her grandma (aka Mimi), so Jeremy'll pick her up on his way home from work... so, its just me and my sleeping baby on my back... LOL
Oh, the landlord said that our rent will increase by $50 starting in October. woohoo :( Oh well... we have been here for 5½ yrs now... guess that should be expected.
Whoo-hoo! That's cool (about the truck) and FREE!! Coolie-O!!
Now you'll be doing laundry....for a couple of days, huh? LOL
It's good that money stress is lessing! Not sweatin so much, ya know?
Just you and Wayatt? Hum, what's that like? I'll never know....
$50 up in rent...that sucks!! start a petetion against it...w/all your neighbors LOL J/K
I think he should wait to change the rent when there is new tenates. ya know, IMO!!
great to be bloggin' again!
I forgot to comment about the kitty.
You can see that his eyes are blue. Pretty! I dont know what you DIDN'T caption, but he's a cute kitty! Hope he turns out nicer than my bad kitty!!
Yes, I'll be doing laundry for a while... its mounted up quite a bit. Thing is, Jeremy put the water hoses on wrong and 'cold' wash is now 'hot'. yeah... it must be labeled wrong in the house because he did that same thing when we first moved in here with my old washer.
Yes! Its VERY nice not having to worry about funds! That's a very new feeling to me!
Wyatt ended up taking a really long nap! Who would have thought? LOL He was still somewhat clingy when he was awake. Yeah, its too bad you don't have a non-smoking mom who you'd let take the kids (if she would anyways) for the day.
Oh, the landlord told Jeremy that he could easily go up to $600/mth... I guess that should make his tenents happy he only went up $50... but, we know how fortunate we are to have found this place for this much rent. Of course, it would be wonderful if we lived in our own place... one of these days, I just know it!
About the kitty, yeah, you can see his eyes are blue in the pic... but, you can't see what a pretty shade of blue it is... Maybe I can take another pic that shows it. Oh yes, I hope he isn't quite as aggressive as your kitty... LOL But then again, our cats stay outside... they keep the rodent, snake, bug, frog, etc population down... LOL
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