Robert Kennedy on the Vaccine Autism Coverup

Bush Veto of Child Healthcare Bill Leaves Mercury in Vaccines
From Health World
Without the usual television cameras, US President George Bush has vetoed a bill that was to expand a children's health insurance program. What the press avoids to mention in their reporting of the event however, is that the bill contained an important passage that would have mandated the elimination of toxic mercury from flu vaccines, a development sharply opposed by pharmaceutical companies.
Thimersal, the mercury compound used as a preservative in many vaccines has been quietly phased out in Europe, and in many of the vaccines used in the US (flu vaccines still contain it), but the situation is different in developing countries. Even vaccines that are thimersal-free in the West, still contain the toxin when produced for export to developing countries in Africa, Asia or South America. The presence of mercury allows substantial savings for pharmaceutical companies but it has been fingered as the cause of an autism explosion. Autism was a practically unknown affliction some decades back, but now one in every 150 children is affected. The change happened in the last few decades, coinciding with an almost uncontrolled proliferation of vaccines on the childhood 'vaccination schedule'.
http://www. healthy. net/scr/news. asp?Id=9434

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